March 2022 - May 2022
March 2022 - May 2022
March 2022 - May 2022
The Green Future of Digital Wardrobe- Putmeon Pro
UX Researcher, Content Strategy and Planning
Business Analysts,
UX Designers
Miro Board, Powerpoint, Sketch
Project Background
Our team identified a potentially important trend and developed an innovative product for our future users, using strategic foresight. Through a process of strategic foresight, I sustained high-quality forward views, used emerging insights in practical ways, and launched new products.
The framing question
By 2030, what major changes, challenges and opportunities can we anticipate that might be addressed by user experience/product or service design in an environment of rapid technological change?
The Methods of Design Thinking for Emerging Trends

We took a solution-oriented approach to problems, seeing them as challenges that can be met through empathy, collaboration, and conversation or dialogue. We believed that user experience design and design thinking share is a focus on listening to understand.
Define and Ideate Design Thinking Processes

Trend signals

Trend signals
Stacey Matrix
I decided to use this method because it allows us to visually map out where each trend is on the axis. We have chosen our “social currency” as the most critical and our “virtual fashion” as most uncertain.

Future Scenarios
2X2 Matrix & Jim Dator’s Model
After establishing which of our trends is most critical and most uncertain, we generated 4 scenarios that combine the two trends using the 2x2 matrix. Once we have the 4 scenarios on the matrix, we used Jim Dator’s model to give each scenario a clarifying label. Taking into account that this is a projection for 2030, which is 7 years ahead, the group feels like the continuation scenario is the most probable.

Preferred Future Narrative
In 2030 technology is inseparable from every aspect of life and has transformed what is consumed and how it is consumed. The pandemic revolutionized the way people live, work, study and interact with one another.
The consumption of virtual products is deemed as wise and supportive of the creators. Virtual fashion has reach mainstream audience and appeals to more than just fashion enthusiasts. Those who are environmentally conscious prefer virtual fashion over fast fashion because it does not create harmful wastes in its production process. This change has caused fast fashion production factories to reduce their output which in turn results in less pollution.
STEEPV: A Scanning Framework
S T E E P V stands for:

Proposed Innovative Product
Putmeon Pro
Our product is a wearable piece of technology that is eco-friendly suit made of e-textile that works in conjunction with an app that is accessible on a smartwatch or smart jewellery.
The product is sustainable, durable and machine wash safe.
Putmeon Pro has revolutionized the fashion industry by minimizing waste and harmful environmental impact while maximizing creativity and individual expression.
How does it work?
Put on the suit and the smartwatch.
Purchase outfits you like from our library or connect with a designer and commission a custom design.
Choose the items you want to wear from your e-wardrobe.
The clothes will appear on your screen.

Strategic Learning
What are the steps that will need to happen between now and this future for this future to benefit our users?
This future narrative is a continuation of our current state.
There are numerous pockets of the desired future narrative that points to the realization of our preferred future.
These pockets just need to simply continue developing and emerge from their current niche market and be mainstream.
The “new normal” lifestyle, virtual fashion, 3D printers, motion capture suits, green screen, wearable technology, internet of things, e-textile, metaverse, AI and CGI are pockets of the future we have uncovered in our weak signals research.
We used the backcasting method to identify all these pockets and in theory, if the “new normal” digital lifestyle continues, virtual goods and services will pick up and make their way to the masses.
The most crucial success criteria of this preferred future is that the technology and system has to be intuitive, accessible and affordable.